How To Help Your Elderly Loved Ones Move

How to Help Your Elderly Loved Ones Move 1

There’s no need to emphasize that moving your loved ones who’ve stepped into their golden years can be pretty challenging. Since the process is far from easy, even for younger people, helping your elderly move will require you to obtain valuable information on the subject. That’s what we’re here for. In the text you’re about to read, we’ll show you all the neat tips and tricks on how to help your elderly loved ones move and deal with the process in a way both parties find satisfying. Therefore, don’t go anywhere!

#1 Don’t be afraid (or downright lazy) to talk about it

In most cases, moving is a painful emotional process. It’s hard saying goodbye to a piece of your personal history. Especially if you’ve spent a reasonable amount of time on the property, just imagine how many memories are stored within the boundaries of a single home. Therefore, one can expect seniors to be emotionally vested in the home they’re about to leave behind. That’s why you’ll want to talk to your loved ones and see if you can simply help in this way or another by communicating. Sometimes, the best possible cure is a good honest conversation. Talk to them about the change to arrive and see if they have any fears or suspicions. Also, give your elderly loved ones as much choice as possible as they plan their future life in their new environment.

All in all: just don’t be lazy or somewhat afraid to kick-start the topic. Avoidance is never the key.

#2 Help your aging loved ones downsize

Downsizing before the relocation is always a good decision. However, that doesn’t make it less demanding. Some things you don’t find necessary, your elderly ones find very meaningful. Be tolerant and take your time to assist your aging loved ones in figuring out which things they want to keep and which of them they’ll say goodbye to. Offer them your help to sort out their home’s inventory into what they’ll give away or keep. If you strongly feel specific changes about their choices must be made, make sure you suggest them with some care. Also, you could always suggest they donate some of their stuff to various charities. It can bring up a sense of moral purpose, and it’s better than letting certain much-loved items go to the trashcan.

If you’ve got an old pool table that’s a bit bulky for your aging loved ones’ new place, explore your options and find solutions. A new bar that opened up on the nearby corner might want to buy it. Lastly, you can see if your family or friends want to take any of the stuff your elderly loved ones have decided to give away so that they stay within a group of people that know their actual value.

#3 See if any of your friends and relatives can help your elderly loved ones move

Regarding friends or family members, there’s another way they can help you besides receiving items your aging loved ones no longer want (which isn’t a hassle of any sort). One can assume that packing is one of the most dreadful parts of the moving process. However, by trying to see if any of your friends or relatives want to help pack your elderly loved ones, you might decrease the whole nastiness of the process, thus making it an easy one. It’s also an excellent way to get some people together and share memories of the home your elderly loved ones are about to leave. If that doesn’t work out, you can always hire professional packers.

#4 Hire experienced professionals to help you deal with the task

Instead of DIY-ing the whole thing, you might consider hiring professionals to help relocate your elderly loved ones. Oh, and we’re not just talking about hiring movers who are specialized in moving seniors. Nope. We’re talking about hiring a so-called senior move manager who can take the edge off the emotional aspect of relocating. Keeping a third party nearby to assist your elderly loved ones in moving and making tough decisions will significantly decrease the tension and sometimes unavoidable family feuds over this or that. Therefore, you should browse the web for a company focusing on seniors.

#5 Clean up the place

Once you’ve dealt with most organizational issues and packing, much more is needed, so don’t think it’s over yet. It doesn’t matter what you’re going to do with the old place (sell it, rent it, etc.). There’s something you must do. You’ll have to thoroughly clean up the place and do the necessary repairs (if there are any). Don’t postpone this since things might only get worse with time. Also, it’s better to deal with all these issues simultaneously instead of doing them one by one.

#6 Find your elderly loved ones a new doctor (if necessary)

When talking about seniors, we’re also bound to discuss healthcare issues. For instance, let’s say your elderly loved ones are moving to another city or state. If that’s the case, you’ll have to find them a new doctor ASAP. Calling a few months in advance to schedule an appointment with a preferred professional in the new city is, by all means, something that you should do. Also, don’t forget to mention the relocation to your loved ones’ new doctor. Lastly, you should move your loved ones’ prescription refills to a pharmacy near their new place.

Closing thoughts on how to help your elderly loved ones move

Okay, so that’s about it, dear readers. These were our suggestions on how to help your elderly loved ones move without any significant issues. This delicate process requires your utmost attention. Following the tips we’ve shared above, your loved ones will enjoy a safe transfer. They deserve such treatment, and you want to preserve your sanity

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